[Somewhere] Encounters (Day)
1d8 | Encounter |
1 | 1d4+1 lost Imperial Elves [blond pale elves dressed like Romans who behave like assholes/ Thalmor] |
2 | 1 vengeful Sabre-tooth Ape [gorilla with a bite that deals 2d4 damage] |
3 | 5d10 Xilgraz [fly-people; treat as dwarves] on pilgrimage |
4 | 1 Human bandit, hopelessly lost |
5 | 1d4+1 Wood Elf [tanned with red hair and woad, vaguely Celtic barbarians] hunter[s] |
6 | 1 manifestation of the god of [I don’t now because I didn’t write it down but I probably had Hircine] |
7 | 3d4 aggressive [and possibly rabid?] deer, fight to [the] death |
8 | 1 singing tree [really pretty but roll to see if attracts another encounter] w/ healing fruit [1d6 red and purple fruits the size of a small melon, restore 1d4+1 hp when eaten] |
[Somewhere] Encounters (Night)
1d8 | Encounter |
1 | 1d6+1 Sabre-tooth Apes [gorilla with a bite that deals 2d4 damage] |
2 | 2d6 Lemures performing rites [preferably spooky ones] |
3 | 1 screaming tree [noticeable because it has no leaves no matter the season, roll twice to see if it attracts monsters] |
4 | War-party of 3d6 Wood Elves [en route to pillage those perfidious Imperials] |
5 | 1 Imperial Elf Were-Orc [treat as a 2-HD Elf in elf form and a 4-HD Orc in orc/hybrid form] |
6 | 4d4 disembodied voices |
7 | 1 zombie lord & 5d10 zombies |
8 | 1 tragic apparition [no combat stats, turned as a skeleton] |
Golem Maintenance
[for when you need to know if a golem needs a cleaning]
1d6 | Golem Condition |
1 | Pristine [brand new for inorganic, fresh for organic] |
2 | Dusty |
3 | Dented/nicked [has taken a few blows] |
4 | Cracked/decayed |
5 | Rusted/moldy |
6 | Falling apart [little bits break/flake off with every movement or hit] |
Variant Dragons
[There’s a 30% that dragon you just ran into is actually a variant dragon!]
1d6 | Dragon variant |
1 | Degenerate. Semi-intelligent [Int 2-4], morale 11 [can still cast still cast spells but it does so without any tactics] |
2 | Slothful. HP x 1.5 [i.e. has 50% more hp], only 1 atk/round |
3 | Albino [great way to fuck over your players] |
4 | Crossbreed. Half of body & breath weapon are of another breed [this probably needs an extra table] |
5 | Hungry [or Ravenous]. Damage [dice] increase by 1 step [e.g. 1d6 > 1d8], will eat anything organic (inc. spell books) [!] |
6 | Cursed. Is actually a human, etc., transformed into a dragon as punishment [note this can be an unjustified punishment] |
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