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Liz's Birthday Was Full of Cake and Food

Ciao bellas!

It's been two days since our last post, and we'd like to say, our deepest apologies. The past two days we've just been a little busy with planning stuffs. Yesterday was actually my birthday, and Dawn and I were planning to have a little get together with two of our elementary buddies, Gucci (left) and Christine (right).

We've planned this little get together since March 29. We were going to have a sleep over at Dawn's place and give Christine a make over.

Yesterday was a funny day for me because I woke up with my mom calling from Pampanga, greeting me "happy birthday", and laughing while admitting that she forgot about it. I was supposed to head straight to Dawn's house for lunch but my mom told me to wait for them so we could spend a little time together for my birthday before I head out.

I cooked carbonara for my family, invited 3 of my friends from UST orchestra, and soon, my little get together meal with my family and a few friends turned into a big celebration. After sometime, I headed out to Dawn's place to find out that they too prepared food.

This was the celebration food they prepared. But as I was still at our house, and it took me longer to get there, they ate without me. And they kept sending me messages on facebook on how they slowly devoured the cake they bought for me. When I arrived, they were so full, that the food I brought turned into our midnight snack instead of our dinner.

I still had 1/4 of this cake plus they surprised me with another cake, a CHOCOLATE cake. In total, I had 3 cakes that day, all from Red Ribbon.

Later that night, we sang our hearts out to Celine Dion's, Jaya's, Whitney Houston's songs, and all other high note songs we could find in Dawn's magicsing. It was really fun.

Anyway, I'm already 23. When I was younger I used to imagine myself all dressed up for work around this time with a boyfriend in my arm. But, here I am, 23, still in school, still no boyfriend but with friends and family who love and support me. I hope this year would be as meaningful as last year. :)

Also, to all you girls who celebrated their birthdays yesterday, and those celebrating today,


Tomorrow, we'll be back to posting reviews, make overs, and all others. :)


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